Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The One Where We Reminisce

A year ago today, I began the greatest adventure of my life. I had no idea what my time in London would bring, and as I stood there naive to the impact my experience would have on my life I took the first steps and boarded that plane. The rest is history. I made memories that I will always hold dear, but I made friendships that I will hold even closer.

Tonight, we all reunited to celebrate the fact that our great journey began a year ago. It was simply refreshing to all be together again. There is a connection with these people I will never share with anyone else. We all shared our favorite memories and simply reminisced on our time spent together in Londontown. Although we have all been pulled in numerous directions since returning, we picked up right where we left off. We are a family. See.

Here's to London and all it gave us... including each other.

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