Monday, August 13, 2012

Sometimes You Just Have To Treat Yourself

 It’s been a week, and I still am at a loss for words to describe Tonja’s visit to the Magic City. I am pretty sure I could not do it justice, so I have decided to just use some of her own words to paint the picture. Brace yourself.  

“Sometimes you just have to treat yourself.” Jane Marie gets the credit for this, but Tonja decided to make it her life motto for the weekend."

“We have taken over this place... you two take over everywhere you go.”

“Queen Tatiana (umm... your name is Tonja...) needs some water... I mean could you put some more ice cubes in it”

“Will this make it on the blog?”

“Oh, you better not put this on the blog Christine Pappas!”

“He was very nice, but he is no Rex.”

“I would pay $80 to see her in Vegas!”

“Is this the world’s largest Krispy Kreme?”

“Oh, you shouldn’t come here at night Christine...”

“Her voice... her laugh... I hope you’re not like her when you grow up Christine.”

Well, those are just a few of the gems Tonja left me with. She is truly the best.

Here’s to a mother’s wisdom...

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