Monday, August 27, 2012

It's All In How You View It

Oh my, so much has happened. I do this every time... I never really share the end of my adventures. I would like to blame it on time, but it is really so much more. It’s hard. You know? Endings are not my favorite things, and it seems the past year has thrown so many in my direction. London ended. Junior year ended. Apartment life ended. Relationships ended. Lives ended. To be honest, it has been hard. Maybe that is why I never share the end, but I learn so many things about life, myself, and others through all of these closings of chapters. I need to be reminded of that often; these experiences have molded me. They have changed everything about me. These endings lead to new beginnings, and for that I am beyond grateful.

The current new beginning is... are you ready for this? SENIOR YEAR. That’s right kids; this girl had her first day of senior year today. It is such an exciting beginning; I cannot wait to spend this year with some of the people I care about most in this world. I am living with my dear friends Brooke and Caroline again, and we also have a new roommate, Sarah. I have been reunited with the people I missed most, and many hugs, stories, and laughter have already been exchanged. I am beyond ready to share my life with these friends again. They mean the world to me.

My friendships are one of the most important aspects of this college life to me, but my classes are also pretty intriguing this semester. I am taking a forensic psychology course, social dance (that’s right... we get to wobble in class), North American landscapes, physiological psychology, and my senior research. Sounds like a legit semester to me. Right? It is crazy to look back at how my interests have changed. I mean I fell in love with geography this past semester... who would have thought that the girl who once got so lost she had to simply follow the hospital signs till her mom could come pick her up would declare a geography minor? Not me, that’s for sure.

Anyways, I am beyond ready for senior year and all it has to offer. Come at me. 

Here's to seeing a new beginning and not an ending. 

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