Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Can Rawr Louder Than Your Car

You know that person you are just you with? Well, for me that is Rex, and today we celebrated our friendship.

I knew from the moment he called me a corrupted slut (it was the day after I met him...) that we would be friends, and all of those who knew us before London predicted it too. It just works. We are so alike in so many ways, yet we are complete opposites in others. He challenges me; that is what makes it worth it to me. Yes, the laughs are great, but the challenges are true friendship. They are what I am thankful for, so in honor of that we celebrated today.

It was full of some tasty food, a few fortunes, a little shopping, constant laughter, absurd moments, diet coke for me and coke for Rex, lion rawrs (Rex's car is loud, and today for some reason I decided to challenge it. As we were driving up a hill, I proclaimed, "I can Rawr louder than your car!" Without missing a beat, he rolled down his window and accepted my challenge with a "prove it.") meaningful discussions, and plenty of pictures. It was a great way to celebrate such a friendship.

Here's to Neil Taing... The only one who truly understands.

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