Monday, September 10, 2012

A Celebration

This weekend was full of celebrations. Life, wins, art, weather and friendships were all given their fair share of celebrations. It is such a joy to be able to celebrate; we need to hold on to the ability. It is a gift.

Fridays are always celebrations... When that final class ends, freedom can be felt in the air. Regardless of the papers looming over us or the books calling our names, Friday nights are ours. They are a time to enjoy and hold dear. I spent mine with great friends, some pizza, and a movie. It was a great night with people I hadn't been reunited with and some I had. It was a celebration of friendship, new and old.

Saturday held a celebration of life (and football... I see you orange and white and bow wow bulldogs on that Samford win). Jordan Ross is one of my closest friends, and it was a blessing to celebrate not only all he means to me but to others as well on his birthday. Before, his party I also got to celebrate a little art with Brooke and Caroline. It was the annual Art Walk downtown, so we took to the streets and soaked it all in.

Sunday was spent celebrating the beautiful weather Abba gifted us with. I could not have asked for a more perfect day. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the leaves were falling.... Harvest is coming. I could not be more excited.

The celebration will continue... Tonja is celebrating the 40 this week! Stay tuned for that post... There might be some hidden gems of pictures. Just maybe. Oh, speaking of pictures here are a few from the weekend.

Here's to celebrating.

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