Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sometimes It Takes Leaving

I am going home tomorrow!! I am beyond excited to be in the city I call home, laugh with my mother, hug my best friends, and so much more. Knoxville simply has a piece of my heart no other place can take, but preparing for this trip has made me aware of just how much Birmingham also holds its own place.

This will be the longest I have been away from Birmingham since I moved into the apartment, and to be honest I am a little sad. It has become a home of its own. It has housed an abundance of memories, laughter, real talks, and simple daily tasks this summer, but the people who make all these things possible are the true blessings.

My roommate, Sarah, has been one of the brightest joys of the summer. She is simply joy herself; I never see her without a smile or a laugh on her face. It is that joy that makes coming home so great! I will miss sharing my days with her while I am home.

Remember that laughter I mentioned? Well, Drew and Caleb are a major source. They fill the apartment with laughter every time they visit, but they are also so much more then that. The meaningful talks, the genuine kindness, and the openness are all aspects that make me so appreciative of their friendship individually.

Doug and Paige also called Birmingham home this summer (Doug commuted but just go with it). Everything from game nights with Rex to some of the best pool days of the summer were shared with these two. Doug always says exactly what is on his mind, and I find it beyond refreshing to be surrounded by someone so true to who they are. Respect. Paige has such a giving heart and is beyond gifted in so many areas of life. She is simply fun.

These are the people I have shared so much of my life with this summer. These are the people who have pushed me to grow. These are the people who became my family. These are the people I will miss while I am home.

Here's to each of them. Thank you.

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