Friday, July 13, 2012

Sesame Chicken and Skittles

STNP. Stay the night party. It might be the girl in me who loved spending the night with friends, staying up all night, and talking about everything. There's just something special about going to sleep and waking up with the party still going.

So, this past weekend Rex and I hosted one for a few of our friends (separate rooms... Don't worry mom). Matt, Zach, and Stephanie all took a break from their own summer shenanigans to join ours for the weekend.

I was a little tardy to the party the first night. Caroline was in town too, so I spent the night with her, some poetry, and a few brews. Solid choice, but the STNP was going strong when I got home. It was simply great to see each of them and hear about their summer so far.

The second day was the true adventure. Muffins. Puppies. Cake. Swimming. Laughter. All before dinner. It was simply great to experience life together again. We decided to go to the drive-in that night. Steph and Matt had never had take-out, so Chinese take-out was now a necessity. And, what's a movie without candy? A candy stop was made (tresfortres), and the phrase sesame chicken and skittles was born. It was perfect.

From there the night includes a stuffed bear, a hockey mask, more movies, even more laughter, a sunrise, a noise complaint, memories, and finally sleep.

Breakfast and Popsicles followed that next day before everyone went their separate ways. Rex left for home. Zach went back to camp. Matt's job was calling his name.

Steph and I were left to hold the fort down. Needless to say, we were extremely tired. But, the night lead to a great conversation about life and just how blessed we are by these friendships, these people we chose to do life with, these memories. We are lucky without a doubt.

Well, I'm off to Nashville for a few days. I'm sure stories will be told.

Here's to STNPs and all they bring.

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