Monday, October 10, 2011


The laptop is here... aka let the blogging commence!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh, I am so excited to be reunited and share my stories with you all again. First, I must say I’m a little overwhelmed... so much has happened. I do not really think I could do it justice... I will try though, no worries. Second before I get into the past month, I have to write a blog for one of my classes. Just a heads up... it will be about Highgate Cemetery here in London. Okay, that is all for now; I have to go write the post for class. I leave you with a preview of what is to come...

It is 6:11 on a Friday morning; we are leaving the Daniel House at 6:15 for Paris... there is a knock on my door... hooked?

Hope so!

Cheers Mates. 

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