Thursday, October 13, 2011


Fall break is here!! And what does that mean... Venice, Milan, and Nice!!! Is this real life?? I still can’t believe it, but I bet in five hours (oh that’s right we are leaving at 2:30… in the morning) reality will hit!! Get prepared for some pretty legit stories... let’s just say neither Rex nor I know Italian, we basically have no set plans, and well we are sharing a room with 14 of our closest friends... aka strangers. So, I feel pretty confident in the fact that some fantastic things will occur. Can’t wait to share em!! I have to go finish packing in super legit new European backpacker’s backpack...  that’s right, I’m hardcore... gotta do it like a boss!

Here’s to memories, exploring, and laughter!!

Catch ya in ohh ten days!

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