Remember those celebrations I mentioned? Good, because today is a HUGE one!!! TONJA IS 40!!!! Is there a bigger reason to celebrate? I think not, so if you are reading this and have not stopped to tell her happy birthday... go do that now. Then return of course.
Okay so now that we have all sent her our happy birthdays and love, I can share with you a little bit about why this day is so important to me. Birthdays have and will always be one of my favorite things; they are a celebration of life. Can you get any better? No. We have each been gifted with this life, and birthdays are a reminder of how much weight that gift can hold. They are simply beautiful reminders to take it all in and truly live.
But, this one is particularly special. My mom is my best friend. She is the person I have traveled this life with. She is my constant. Today gives me a reason to celebrate that (not that I should need one). Her strength is one of the attributes I admire most; whatever this world throws at her she handles it with grace, grows from the experience, and allows God to use the situation in numerous manners. It is amazing, and often I am blown away by that.
Her willingness to listen to the Lord is also something I strive after. She continues to grow and seek Abba daily, and I have been privileged to watch this ever evolving experience. I mean who leaves their job after 20ish years? I can only hope to remain that open to God's voice in my life.

Remaining that close to the Lord has allowed her to impact so many people in a variety of manners. I have watched her care for a small group of high school girls as if they were her own daughters for four years, share her life stories with girls who found themselves in the same position she did 21 years ago, serve countless people, and truly touch the lives of many with her joy. She has impacted this world.

All of these are lessons she has taught me about this life, but what she has taught most is to simply be joyous in all circumstances. Our joy is found in the Lord, not in this world. We have the daily option to choose joy; it is that choice that makes the rest possible. Now, many people mistake us for sisters, twins, or just compare us in general (I don't mind this at all... I mean there is no denying the resemblance), but I can only hope to also mirror her joy.
These things have made me who I am, and as we have each grown separately yet together we have impacted one another in a way many will never do. That is what makes us special. I Thank her for her patience through the whole process, and for always knowing we would end up stronger through it all. She is my best friend and my mom in every sense of both words.

Today, I celebrate her life. Her goals. Her accomplishments. Her faith. Her laugh. Her dreams. Her joy. Her humor. Her love. Her strength. Her endurance. Her wisdom. Her spirit. Her patience. Her friendship. Her heart. I celebrate her.

Happy Birthday Tonj!!!
Here is to the life she has lived and all that is left to be lived.