Sunday, July 22, 2012

And It Got Me

You see, this story requires some background material. So, won’t you join me for a stroll down memory lane? I thought so. My friend, Evan, is from California, and last year he invited a group of us to travel the open road with him to California. How could you pass that up? I didn’t, that’s for sure, so the adventure across country began. Seven people. Two weeks. Thousands of miles (ask Matt for the exact count... or you can check his facebook timeline). Even more laughs. A lifetime of memories. There is a bond. We traveled the country together.  However, this summer life and adulthood got the best of us. Two weeks was simply impossible for most of our schedules, so we had to settle on a weekend. Nashville was chosen, and now here we are.

Evan hosted us all at his aunt and uncle’s house, and the trip was simply wonderful.  It fell at just the right time, with just the right people.  Not to mention, simply being in Tennessee brings a certain joy no other place can fulfill. It is home; it always will be.

Now, I have been to Nashville several times: school trips, concerts, and random visits. There is just something about the city. It offers so many different aspects; great music, heritage (Tennessean, and not to mention a little nod to my Greek roots. That’s right, I see you Parthenon replica.), and oh man the hipsters... aka I love it.

However, this visit was a little different. There was no agenda; it was more about the people not the city. So, we filled our days with good food, great conversations, Minnesota accents, intense games of spoons, sweet brown, spades, Hot Rod, a little shopping (thanks, boys),  Newsboys and Nsync (winning combination, if I may say so myself), and plenty of laughter. It was simple. It was refreshing.

I have been very blessed to experience so much of life. I mean, isn’t it everyone’s dream to road trip it to California? How did I get so lucky that it was a reality in my life?  There is no reason; I am simply blessed. 

Here's to experiencing life together.  

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