Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Football and Farms

Bluegrass. Bourbon. Basketball. All things someone would think of when they hear Kentucky. Football not so much, but that is exactly what landed me there. Samford was playing UK, and conveniently my friend Paul lives in Bowling Green. Perfect? I would say yes; the only thing that could make it even better would be a farm. Oh wait, that's where we stayed.

So there you have it, the perfect mixture for a harvest weekend. Football and Farms.

Most of our friends spent the first night in Nashville, so Rex, Paul, and I held down the fort with some monopoly (which I would have won, but Rex made sure that would not happen... smh) milkshakes, and a fire. It was the perfect Friday night.

The rest of the group joined us Saturday, and we headed to the game. We had to drive about two hours to get to UK, and of course that became an adventure of its own. Rex decided to eat Doritos (the one thing forbidden on any road trip... That smell. Ew.), we learned our hands were in the shape of Kentucky, and the Mississippi River was the star of conversation ( which, Paul can discuss with anyone later if he has a map).

By the time we found our seats, I would feel confident in saying it was 32 degrees. We were frozen by the end, but it was great to see the Bulldogs play. Although, we didn't come away with a W; the memories made were worth it all including the freezing temperatures.

We traveled back to Samford on Sunday, but not before having breakfast at the farm, playing a few rounds of connect four, and sitting in traffic for seven hours.

Memories made? For sure.

Here's to Neil Taing (the real reason we visited UK)

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