Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bind Our Hearts

 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
 Proverbs 3:3

Isn't it amazing how God works? I am still in awe daily by the way Abba weaves aspects of our lives together to form something so much bigger than what we see.  This week I have been so encouraged by this but also by the people I now share a home with. It all started when Deb asked if we could have a weekly Bible study, so we choose Wednesday nights and decided the first one would be more of a sharing time then study. We decided this because we were all ready to move beyond surface level and truly get to know and understand each other on a deep level.
Wednesday came, and we all piled into our parlour room.  We went around one by one sharing our testimonies and how God is working in our lives right now. As I listened to such intimate stories from friends I have known for two years and friends I have known for two weeks, I was so moved. Not only by their stories, but by the way a common thread ran throughout our testimonies. They were all extremely different yet oddly similar. It was such a great example of the way the Lord prepares us all in such different ways, but ways that seem to unite with such ease.
Another, major thing I took away was encouragement. There are a few new believers in our group and the joy and passion they have is so intoxicating. How did I ever lose that?  They are seeking daily the will of the Lord and engrossed in His word, while some days my Bible lays untouched. Why am I not hungry? These were my questions, but these questions soon turned into a conversation of encouragement with my Abba. I encourage you to think about the hunger you had upon first believing. Reign that in and spread that joy.
Our hearts have been bound together through this experience, love and faithfulness. We are seeking a greater purpose here in London. We are seeking a greater purpose amongst ourselves. We are seeking Abba.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Tourist for a Week

Okay, Okay. I know what you’re all thinking... she is never going to blog again. I promise that is not the case. My laptop just seemed to not be ready to make the leap across the pond (a little nervous of getting beat up at the airport... just my guess) Anyway, it got its way and is safely at Sony headquarters.  However, we will soon be reunited and the blogging will commence!! A huge relief for you all I know!!

Now, on to all the good stuff!!! First, you must know London is amazing. It has only been a week and I have fallen in love with the city. There is everything here. The breath-taking sights, the peaceful parks, the young, the old, the hipsters, and the posh.  Everyone should experience so many opposites in one place at one time. It makes you realize just how vast our world is. So, book that flight and come visit!!

There is no way possible to put into words the first week without this post turning into a book, so I will just hit the highlights. We were basically tourists this week. We took in the famous sights, got to know our neighbourhood (The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea), carried our cameras, and scavenged around the town (FB Video... go watch.). Our neighbour, Roger, took us on walk around the Daniel House. He is 78, and he walked circles around all of us college students. His hardcore walking skills are not even the most impressive thing about Roger. He has a certain something that just makes him special. As we walked by the Holiday Inn (a huge building the colour of pencil lead), he asked us all to raise our fists in disgust. Just as we lowered them he whispered, “I hope they got that on camera!” It is just a certain something. You see.

Oh, what I must tell you about are the markets!! I have died... they are wonderful!! Portobello is an antique market (Notting Hills anyone?), and to say it is mint is an understatement. Seriously. Not to be overshadowed is Borough... a food market. Almost like a farmer’s market... but better. It is huge and every type of food is in one place. LOVE.  Camden is Camden. And no one can do Camden like Camden. Around every corner you see a hardcore Mohawk, a prepster in Oxfords (I do now own a pair... love love loveeeeee em.), and some skinny jeans. It is diversity. It is London.

This post must come to an end soon... you all need to do some homework or something. But, first let’s just chat a bit about the Lion King. Oh man. Fantastic. It was like the movie coming to life. You know how we would all go grab a lion and act out your favourite scene (I just can’t wait to be King... always my favourite) as a child. Yes, yes I know you did it. We all did. It was like that but ohhh so much better. The costumes. The voices. The music. It was simply wonderful.

Now really, I must go... homework for me too.